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  • How about this, "Dressing formally and having a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation."?
  • How about this, "Dressing formally and having a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation."?
  • si tu no le haces nada claro que tendran paciencia con tigo pero encambio si lo molestas seran agresivos
  • estas sobreentrenando el pectoral como esperas que crescas?? primero date una o 2 semanas de descanso.. luego empieza a entrenas el pecho unas 2 o 3 vecs como maximo por semana dejando minimo 1 dia entre los entrenos pro mas recomendable serian 2…
  • This is a serious problem! Sounds like you already talked to your mum about it to no avail. But if you haven't talked to her yet, do it A.S.A.P.! Stay clam about it. Be VERY reasonable, giving specific reasons for why you feel this way. Tell her …
  • No, don't start that crap. The similarities end with the color of the soil. Both, of course, are due to the same thing...oxidizing of iron bearing compounds on both Mars and Earth. There are way too many dissimilarities, however, to count. Not…
  • No, don't start that crap. The similarities end with the color of the soil. Both, of course, are due to the same thing...oxidizing of iron bearing compounds on both Mars and Earth. There are way too many dissimilarities, however, to count. Not…
  • vingança é uma palavra complicada.... Procure saber porque fazem isso... e tenta entender....pra mudar ou argumentar... BJS
  • vingança é uma palavra complicada.... Procure saber porque fazem isso... e tenta entender....pra mudar ou argumentar... BJS
  • vingança é uma palavra complicada.... Procure saber porque fazem isso... e tenta entender....pra mudar ou argumentar... BJS
  • No, don't start that crap. The similarities end with the color of the soil. Both, of course, are due to the same thing...oxidizing of iron bearing compounds on both Mars and Earth. There are way too many dissimilarities, however, to count. Not…
  • This is a serious problem! Sounds like you already talked to your mum about it to no avail. But if you haven't talked to her yet, do it A.S.A.P.! Stay clam about it. Be VERY reasonable, giving specific reasons for why you feel this way. Tell her …
  • estas sobreentrenando el pectoral como esperas que crescas?? primero date una o 2 semanas de descanso.. luego empieza a entrenas el pecho unas 2 o 3 vecs como maximo por semana dejando minimo 1 dia entre los entrenos pro mas recomendable serian 2…
  • si tu no le haces nada claro que tendran paciencia con tigo pero encambio si lo molestas seran agresivos