Do you think this sentence has problem?

My friend told me that this sentence grammatically correct, but the way that i use "dressing formally" affects the phrase "having a smile on my phrase." It makes the phrase like i was smiling at the presentation.

Do you feel this way? If yes, how do i fix this problem?


Having a smile on my face, dressing formally, I did a great job on my presentation.



  • Try this: Dressed informally, and with a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation.

  • Take out the middle section (dressing formally). Does it still make sense to you? Having a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation. It is okay but it needs work. How about this:

    With formal dress and a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation.

  • Having a smile on my face and being formally dressed, I gave a great presentation.

  • Dressed formally and with a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation.

  • It may be grammatically correct, I'm not sure, but I think so. I do, however, think it's a poor sentence. It doesn't flow well, or give a clear idea of what you're wanting to say. Maybe you could say... I did a great job on my presentation. I dressed formally and had a smile on my face.

  • Dressed formally, with a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation.

  • How about this, "Dressing formally and having a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation."?

  • I dunno. It doesn't sound right. Try: By dressing formally and having a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation.

    or: Because I dressed formally and kept a smile on my face, I did a great job on my presentation.

    or: Keeping a smile on my face and dressing formally helped me do a great job on my presentation.

  • I'd change it to ...face, while dressed formally, I....

    But I'm no English Major, either.

  • Umm..honestly everything you just said is "gramatically incorrect" you don't even have proper sentences...that sentence is the least of your worries...sorry man, but just telling it like it is!

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