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  • If they didn't they would explode! They eat, they digest and then they excrete. Just like you and me.
  • How patronising is that? My first 'home computer' was as big as a stacked fridge/freezer. Capacity - probably less than my mobile phone. Probably about 1983, when I was 40. The word processing program was also primitive. If I wanted to underline a…
  • How patronising is that? My first 'home computer' was as big as a stacked fridge/freezer. Capacity - probably less than my mobile phone. Probably about 1983, when I was 40. The word processing program was also primitive. If I wanted to underline a…
  • Yes and, as a Brit, I prefer the Australian brand of English to the brand spoken in the US, even if some of them, particularly Sydneysiders go up at the end of a sentence making everything they say sound like a question. When I was living in Sydney…
  • Yes and, as a Brit, I prefer the Australian brand of English to the brand spoken in the US, even if some of them, particularly Sydneysiders go up at the end of a sentence making everything they say sound like a question. When I was living in Sydney…
  • I think you've got it backwards. Words like sheep are singular - the plural happens to be the same. Never try to apply logic to English! You'll end up in the funny farm.
  • The bombing of Guernica and its civil population, during the Spanish Civil war. Before the Nazi concentration camps, the development of the atomic bomb and decades before anyone gave a tinker's cuss about the environment.
  • 1 should be 'that'. 2 and 3 are correct. 4 is incorrect. Which in 5 is correct but there is something wrong with the sentence, ('them-computer'?). Replace 'that' with 'which' in 6. 7 There should be a comma not a full stop after computer. The re…
  • 1 should be 'that'. 2 and 3 are correct. 4 is incorrect. Which in 5 is correct but there is something wrong with the sentence, ('them-computer'?). Replace 'that' with 'which' in 6. 7 There should be a comma not a full stop after computer. The re…
  • The bombing of Guernica and its civil population, during the Spanish Civil war. Before the Nazi concentration camps, the development of the atomic bomb and decades before anyone gave a tinker's cuss about the environment.
  • The bombing of Guernica and its civil population, during the Spanish Civil war. Before the Nazi concentration camps, the development of the atomic bomb and decades before anyone gave a tinker's cuss about the environment.
  • I think you've got it backwards. Words like sheep are singular - the plural happens to be the same. Never try to apply logic to English! You'll end up in the funny farm.
  • Yes and, as a Brit, I prefer the Australian brand of English to the brand spoken in the US, even if some of them, particularly Sydneysiders go up at the end of a sentence making everything they say sound like a question. When I was living in Sydney…
  • Yes and, as a Brit, I prefer the Australian brand of English to the brand spoken in the US, even if some of them, particularly Sydneysiders go up at the end of a sentence making everything they say sound like a question. When I was living in Sydney…
  • Yes and, as a Brit, I prefer the Australian brand of English to the brand spoken in the US, even if some of them, particularly Sydneysiders go up at the end of a sentence making everything they say sound like a question. When I was living in Sydney…
  • Yes and, as a Brit, I prefer the Australian brand of English to the brand spoken in the US, even if some of them, particularly Sydneysiders go up at the end of a sentence making everything they say sound like a question. When I was living in Sydney…
  • Yes and, as a Brit, I prefer the Australian brand of English to the brand spoken in the US, even if some of them, particularly Sydneysiders go up at the end of a sentence making everything they say sound like a question. When I was living in Sydney…
  • How patronising is that? My first 'home computer' was as big as a stacked fridge/freezer. Capacity - probably less than my mobile phone. Probably about 1983, when I was 40. The word processing program was also primitive. If I wanted to underline a…
  • How patronising is that? My first 'home computer' was as big as a stacked fridge/freezer. Capacity - probably less than my mobile phone. Probably about 1983, when I was 40. The word processing program was also primitive. If I wanted to underline a…