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  • Solo te aconsejo tener en mente mas lo positivo que lo triste. Llorar no esta mal, a mi me trae una paz absoluta en momentos de tensión, aunque yo lo provoco viendo una película bien conmovedora xD, sea como sea la vida te va corregir si algo anda…
  • What miguel said. In addition, it really depends on the battle. As we all know, a pokemon can only be under 1 status effect at a time(burn,paralyze, freeze,poison). If you try to use a status changing effect while the pokemon is already affected by …
  • If you're not playing ME1, you're doing it wrong, terribly wrong. It is an excellent game and you're a fool for dismissing it.
  • If you're not playing ME1, you're doing it wrong, terribly wrong. It is an excellent game and you're a fool for dismissing it.
  • Bueno primero verifica que tu flash player esta actualizado ya que sin eso no visualizaras ningún video, esta pagina te sera util: 1.- En el paso 1, verifica si logras ver la animación de …
  • Bueno primero verifica que tu flash player esta actualizado ya que sin eso no visualizaras ningún video, esta pagina te sera util: 1.- En el paso 1, verifica si logras ver la animación de …
  • Bueno primero verifica que tu flash player esta actualizado ya que sin eso no visualizaras ningún video, esta pagina te sera util: 1.- En el paso 1, verifica si logras ver la animación de …
  • If you're not playing ME1, you're doing it wrong, terribly wrong. It is an excellent game and you're a fool for dismissing it.
  • What miguel said. In addition, it really depends on the battle. As we all know, a pokemon can only be under 1 status effect at a time(burn,paralyze, freeze,poison). If you try to use a status changing effect while the pokemon is already affected by …
  • What miguel said. In addition, it really depends on the battle. As we all know, a pokemon can only be under 1 status effect at a time(burn,paralyze, freeze,poison). If you try to use a status changing effect while the pokemon is already affected by …
  • Solo te aconsejo tener en mente mas lo positivo que lo triste. Llorar no esta mal, a mi me trae una paz absoluta en momentos de tensión, aunque yo lo provoco viendo una película bien conmovedora xD, sea como sea la vida te va corregir si algo anda…