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  • Tell HIM to add your email address as a friend. That's if he is.
  • There is none. The current Prime Minister however is Stephen Harper (since February 6, 2006). Who is the king of America?
  • LOL! Dems are against faith based programs, but not Obama's kool-aid swillers. Anything their messiah says, goes. Obama mistakenly believes that Hillary's supporters are pro faith based programs, and he's trying to cater to them.
  • LOL! Dems are against faith based programs, but not Obama's kool-aid swillers. Anything their messiah says, goes. Obama mistakenly believes that Hillary's supporters are pro faith based programs, and he's trying to cater to them.
  • Let x = denominator ((x-4)+17)/(x+17) = 5/6 (x+13)/(x+17) = 5/6 6*(x+13) = 5*(x+17) 6x+78 = 5x+ 85 x = 85 - 78 = 7 ORIGINAL FRACTION... (x-4)/x = 3/7
  • Let x = denominator ((x-4)+17)/(x+17) = 5/6 (x+13)/(x+17) = 5/6 6*(x+13) = 5*(x+17) 6x+78 = 5x+ 85 x = 85 - 78 = 7 ORIGINAL FRACTION... (x-4)/x = 3/7
  • LOL! Dems are against faith based programs, but not Obama's kool-aid swillers. Anything their messiah says, goes. Obama mistakenly believes that Hillary's supporters are pro faith based programs, and he's trying to cater to them.
  • There is none. The current Prime Minister however is Stephen Harper (since February 6, 2006). Who is the king of America?
  • There is none. The current Prime Minister however is Stephen Harper (since February 6, 2006). Who is the king of America?