Obama's FAITH based Program?

what do you think about Obama's FAITH based Program?


  • LOL! Dems are against faith based programs, but not Obama's kool-aid swillers. Anything their messiah says, goes. Obama mistakenly believes that Hillary's supporters are pro faith based programs, and he's trying to cater to them.

  • No! i'm on the point that I question each little thing that Obama says and endorses! he's calculating and has a nicely hidden purpose for all his plans. i ask your self who may have the skill to make your concepts up which churches and agencies get the federal money? i'm sensible that this also will contain giving federal money to those communities that help unlawful extraterrestrial beings. understanding Obamas stance on helping unlawful extraterrestrial beings each way that he can, i'm sensible that communities including la Raza will be able to get this money to boot. what number communities will conceal themselves as charities in an attempt to take advantage of the authorities of taxpayer money? What doors is Obama beginning and shutting even as he promotes discrimination of hiring and firing in those non secular communities?

  • Faith based programs work better than secular programs. Obama knows this. Right now, though, he is fishing for a few more votes.

  • Obama believes in heretical dominion theology, but you'll never hear him admit it.

    I know this doesn't address your question about the Faith based programs, I just wanted to get this across on what his real religion is.

  • You mean George Bush's faith based plan?

  • I think it's fine since he wants to establish the same type of program for secular organizations. I see it as proof he wants to have a inclusive administration, not a divisive partisan government like we have now. I think it is wise that he wants to extend and expand it.

  • its not his program its bush's program .

    but not surprised since obama is controled by a bunch of pastors from what i have heard .

  • nothing more than to give the Muslims a foothold

  • It's been around for 8 years. HE has nothing to do with it, except he supports certain aspects of it!

  • I'm thinking where is all the liberal outrage?

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