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  • I doubt it. Its just one way the Muslims have in their attempt to take over the world. They will do it by hook or crook. More then 7 million now live in the U.S. Ive never seen them come out in a mass protest against the Muslim terrorists. In Ga…
  • Gas is a diminishing resource so you can expect the price to keep slowly rising. Since there is continuing trouble in the Middle East where most of are gas comes from is another reason for the high prices. 30 years ago where I live the price wa…
  • Gas is a diminishing resource so you can expect the price to keep slowly rising. Since there is continuing trouble in the Middle East where most of are gas comes from is another reason for the high prices. 30 years ago where I live the price wa…
  • I doubt it. Its just one way the Muslims have in their attempt to take over the world. They will do it by hook or crook. More then 7 million now live in the U.S. Ive never seen them come out in a mass protest against the Muslim terrorists. In Ga…
  • I doubt it. Its just one way the Muslims have in their attempt to take over the world. They will do it by hook or crook. More then 7 million now live in the U.S. Ive never seen them come out in a mass protest against the Muslim terrorists. In Ga…