Do Imams ever preach against extremism?

I've never been in a Mosque so I don't know. But I wonder how many Imams denounce extremism and terrorism?


  • I doubt it. Its just one way the Muslims have in their

    attempt to take over the world. They will do it by hook

    or crook. More then 7 million now live in the U.S.

    Ive never seen them come out in a mass protest

    against the Muslim terrorists. In Gaza the Arabs

    cheered when the heard about 9/11 and gave out

    candy to the children.

  • They give the opposite impression - ie one of almost tacit approval.

    On the grounds that ANY strike in the name of Allah is a good one ? - or.they FEAR for themselves and their family ?

    In the UK, attempts to get Muslim leaders to assist in rooting out the so-called 'radicalised' were rejected - on the flimsy excuse this would only drive the potential terrorists underground.

    Formal statements on bomb outrages are always hedged in LESS than convincing terms of outright condemnation.

    They continually moan about Islam being misunderstood and 'victimised' for the actions of a very small minority but fail to positively speak out against the extremists. Where are the mass demonstrations confirming "Not in our name" and "Muslims for Peace" ???

    One suspects they are following the twin-pronged 'Bullet & Ballot-box' approach in Europe - building up a sufficient numerical presence in order to have a pivotal 5-10% effect on policies/elections BACKED up by the veiled threat of violence if their demands are not met.

    Of course it suits them to have blame/responsibility for terrorism ascribed to only a few secretive mavericks whilst slowly but surely they establish 'muslim only' enclaves around the many mosques and study centres they build.

    We are sleepwalking into an inevitable all-out struggle for Muslim domination - unless we stop treating Islam as just another faith with equality with Christianity and other religions. It abuses our hard won freedoms to divide and conquer - hoping its veneer of tolerance will eventually triumph and establish a new regime of intolerance. As we are now witnessing in newly 'liberated Egypt' and elsewhere.

  • I cannot speak for what happens in the West or for Shi'i Imams as the subject has never come up, but yes from what I have heard,Sunni ones in Arabia do.

  • I can't give you statistics on "how many" but there do seem to be an unfortunate amount that do so.

    I'd dare say that most are quite peaceful, but extremist Muslims do fall behind the most unfortunate of "religious" men.

  • Salamun Alaik! the appropriate place you will discover the foremost actual strategies with reference to the lives of our Prophet( Peace and reward of Allah be upon him) and his companions, are in a e book reported as " The strategies of the Sahaba", it truly is likewise consumer-friendly as "Hayat as Sahaba" or " Hekayat as Sahaba". choose that helps

  • Do Catholic priests ever preach against child molestation? I've never been to a Catholic church so I don't know but I sure hope they preach against child molestation to all their Catholic church-goers because we know quite a few Catholic priests have been accused of child molestation.

  • To me it seems they always "couch" their words when "denouncing" extremism.

    It always comes down to Jews & Israel & American "imperialism" where what they say does not add up.

  • They don't want to be blown up either

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