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  • Meterse con el infinito es no acabar nunca. Matemáticamente existen diferentes tipos de infinito, llamados números transfinitos, pero son abstracciones muy complejas y difíciles de manejar. Para ejemplificar la resta de infinitos, imagínate que …
  • First get a large crowd around you, and I heard if you squeeze your buttocks just right with your right arm raised and your left leg kicking as high as you can it will float! Works every time! The bigger the crowd the higher it will float Ok, …
  • First get a large crowd around you, and I heard if you squeeze your buttocks just right with your right arm raised and your left leg kicking as high as you can it will float! Works every time! The bigger the crowd the higher it will float Ok, …
  • First get a large crowd around you, and I heard if you squeeze your buttocks just right with your right arm raised and your left leg kicking as high as you can it will float! Works every time! The bigger the crowd the higher it will float Ok, …
  • First get a large crowd around you, and I heard if you squeeze your buttocks just right with your right arm raised and your left leg kicking as high as you can it will float! Works every time! The bigger the crowd the higher it will float Ok, …
  • what do you mean by dropping a few decimal places? irrational numbers have infinitely many numbers after the decimal point. if you mean like changing 3.14159265.... to just 3.14, yes it becomes rational.
  • what do you mean by dropping a few decimal places? irrational numbers have infinitely many numbers after the decimal point. if you mean like changing 3.14159265.... to just 3.14, yes it becomes rational.
  • what do you mean by dropping a few decimal places? irrational numbers have infinitely many numbers after the decimal point. if you mean like changing 3.14159265.... to just 3.14, yes it becomes rational.
  • First get a large crowd around you, and I heard if you squeeze your buttocks just right with your right arm raised and your left leg kicking as high as you can it will float! Works every time! The bigger the crowd the higher it will float Ok, …
  • Meterse con el infinito es no acabar nunca. Matemáticamente existen diferentes tipos de infinito, llamados números transfinitos, pero son abstracciones muy complejas y difíciles de manejar. Para ejemplificar la resta de infinitos, imagínate que …