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  • Not really. At least find out how many electoral votes for Calif and NY and be accurate with your percentages.
  • Not really. At least find out how many electoral votes for Calif and NY and be accurate with your percentages.
  • In California you can get an emergency teaching credential to substitute teach as long as you have 90 semester college credits and have passed a test of basic skills. I believe No Child Left Behind has made it necessary for instructional aides to ha…
    in AA degrees? Comment by yakngirl May 2021
  • In California you can get an emergency teaching credential to substitute teach as long as you have 90 semester college credits and have passed a test of basic skills. I believe No Child Left Behind has made it necessary for instructional aides to ha…
    in AA degrees? Comment by yakngirl May 2021
  • In California you can get an emergency teaching credential to substitute teach as long as you have 90 semester college credits and have passed a test of basic skills. I believe No Child Left Behind has made it necessary for instructional aides to ha…
    in AA degrees? Comment by yakngirl May 2021
  • Not really. At least find out how many electoral votes for Calif and NY and be accurate with your percentages.