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  • I agree it is questionable but look at it this way. The Latino vote is huge and it has been going to the Democrats. To such an extent that in 2016, the Latino vote could make Texas a swing state. If the republicans want even a chance to be reelec…
  • This is actually new. In past elections, they did not do that. Part of what is going on is that the republican party is splintered. You've got the mainstream republicans, the tea party, Libertarians, fundamentalism christians, and big business tr…
  • This is actually new. In past elections, they did not do that. Part of what is going on is that the republican party is splintered. You've got the mainstream republicans, the tea party, Libertarians, fundamentalism christians, and big business tr…
  • This is actually new. In past elections, they did not do that. Part of what is going on is that the republican party is splintered. You've got the mainstream republicans, the tea party, Libertarians, fundamentalism christians, and big business tr…
  • I agree it is questionable but look at it this way. The Latino vote is huge and it has been going to the Democrats. To such an extent that in 2016, the Latino vote could make Texas a swing state. If the republicans want even a chance to be reelec…