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  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like: Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to att…
  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like: Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to att…
  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like: Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to att…
  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like: Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to att…
  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like: Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to att…
  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like: Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to att…
  • I think you need to rephrase the question to something like: Can anyone name a single politician in recorded history that has achieved the highest station of government in the country he/she resides in that has never abused power in anyway to att…