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  • Well..... the bread should land butter side down and the cat should land feet first (Unless it's dead of course) What will happen is it will drop like a stone by just over a metre then it will suddenly stop and hover just above the ground spinning l…
  • The sheriff rides 9 minutes later. In those nine minutes, the robber has travelled 9* (10/60) miles = 1.5 miles From then on the relative velocity of the sherrif with respect to the robber is 2miles per hour. So if the sherrif has travelled t mi…
  • The sheriff rides 9 minutes later. In those nine minutes, the robber has travelled 9* (10/60) miles = 1.5 miles From then on the relative velocity of the sherrif with respect to the robber is 2miles per hour. So if the sherrif has travelled t mi…
  • The sheriff rides 9 minutes later. In those nine minutes, the robber has travelled 9* (10/60) miles = 1.5 miles From then on the relative velocity of the sherrif with respect to the robber is 2miles per hour. So if the sherrif has travelled t mi…
  • Well..... the bread should land butter side down and the cat should land feet first (Unless it's dead of course) What will happen is it will drop like a stone by just over a metre then it will suddenly stop and hover just above the ground spinning l…