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  • 1. Do you ever eet your dessert first? yep and it is usually chocolate 2. How many cookies are you allowed to eet at one sitting? Allowed by myself 3. Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin? defenetaly chocolate chip your welcome and thanks for …
  • ~ I would suggest for her to tell her how she feels. I know it is easier said than done, but that is the only real way to find out. If to shy she might try a letter. ~ just a suggestion. Hope all works out.
  • ~ I would suggest for her to tell her how she feels. I know it is easier said than done, but that is the only real way to find out. If to shy she might try a letter. ~ just a suggestion. Hope all works out.
  • Here are some audio clips of zebra sounds.
  • Gosh, you're only fouteen and already a 30E! I do feel so sorry for you. When I was you're age I was only a 32D, but I ended up being a 34FF! At the age of twentyone I had to have a BR done because of the sheer pain and discomfort I was …
  • Gosh, you're only fouteen and already a 30E! I do feel so sorry for you. When I was you're age I was only a 32D, but I ended up being a 34FF! At the age of twentyone I had to have a BR done because of the sheer pain and discomfort I was …
  • Here are some audio clips of zebra sounds.
  • Here are some audio clips of zebra sounds.
  • ~ I would suggest for her to tell her how she feels. I know it is easier said than done, but that is the only real way to find out. If to shy she might try a letter. ~ just a suggestion. Hope all works out.
  • ~ I would suggest for her to tell her how she feels. I know it is easier said than done, but that is the only real way to find out. If to shy she might try a letter. ~ just a suggestion. Hope all works out.
  • 1. Do you ever eet your dessert first? yep and it is usually chocolate 2. How many cookies are you allowed to eet at one sitting? Allowed by myself 3. Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin? defenetaly chocolate chip your welcome and thanks for …