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  • She probably should have been included in the beginning and given the choice to take on the stress or not. You made that decision for her and now have to scramble to figure it out. I agree with the other people, make her the Matron of Honor. It s…
  • Would you let someone else touch your eyeball? Probably not. Letting someone use your eye makeup is letting in someone's else's germs and bacteria. You are even supposed to change your own mascara at least every 6 months.
  • Would you let someone else touch your eyeball? Probably not. Letting someone use your eye makeup is letting in someone's else's germs and bacteria. You are even supposed to change your own mascara at least every 6 months.
  • Would you let someone else touch your eyeball? Probably not. Letting someone use your eye makeup is letting in someone's else's germs and bacteria. You are even supposed to change your own mascara at least every 6 months.
  • Would you let someone else touch your eyeball? Probably not. Letting someone use your eye makeup is letting in someone's else's germs and bacteria. You are even supposed to change your own mascara at least every 6 months.
  • She probably should have been included in the beginning and given the choice to take on the stress or not. You made that decision for her and now have to scramble to figure it out. I agree with the other people, make her the Matron of Honor. It s…