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  • Definitely do the plank! That ones awesome for abs! As long as you do those exercises and keep a healthy diet your good to go! Good luck on your abs ;) will you answer my question please? Thanks <3
  • yes im sure it will be okay (: well i dont see why not.. its not like your gunna go and have like large lion claws or anything lol
  • kindergarten - 5-6 (and some states allow 4) 1st - 6-7 2nd - 7-8 3rd - 8-9 4th - 9-10 5th - 10-11 6th - 11-12 7th - 12-13 8th - 13-14 9th - 14-15 10th - 15-16 11th - 16-17 12th - 17-18 for the most part grades kind-5 are in elementary…
  • 1. haha dunno Shara Jessica Parker 2. annoying never zever ask calum 3.a disease 4. Italy (yay 1 right) 5. red blue white (2 right maybe) 6. a car i dunno 7. mcfly 8. philanders i dunno what that means 9. Brazilian 10. umm a Chinese zodia…
  • 1. haha dunno Shara Jessica Parker 2. annoying never zever ask calum 3.a disease 4. Italy (yay 1 right) 5. red blue white (2 right maybe) 6. a car i dunno 7. mcfly 8. philanders i dunno what that means 9. Brazilian 10. umm a Chinese zodia…
  • kindergarten - 5-6 (and some states allow 4) 1st - 6-7 2nd - 7-8 3rd - 8-9 4th - 9-10 5th - 10-11 6th - 11-12 7th - 12-13 8th - 13-14 9th - 14-15 10th - 15-16 11th - 16-17 12th - 17-18 for the most part grades kind-5 are in elementary…
  • kindergarten - 5-6 (and some states allow 4) 1st - 6-7 2nd - 7-8 3rd - 8-9 4th - 9-10 5th - 10-11 6th - 11-12 7th - 12-13 8th - 13-14 9th - 14-15 10th - 15-16 11th - 16-17 12th - 17-18 for the most part grades kind-5 are in elementary…
  • kindergarten - 5-6 (and some states allow 4) 1st - 6-7 2nd - 7-8 3rd - 8-9 4th - 9-10 5th - 10-11 6th - 11-12 7th - 12-13 8th - 13-14 9th - 14-15 10th - 15-16 11th - 16-17 12th - 17-18 for the most part grades kind-5 are in elementary…
  • kindergarten - 5-6 (and some states allow 4) 1st - 6-7 2nd - 7-8 3rd - 8-9 4th - 9-10 5th - 10-11 6th - 11-12 7th - 12-13 8th - 13-14 9th - 14-15 10th - 15-16 11th - 16-17 12th - 17-18 for the most part grades kind-5 are in elementary…
  • kindergarten - 5-6 (and some states allow 4) 1st - 6-7 2nd - 7-8 3rd - 8-9 4th - 9-10 5th - 10-11 6th - 11-12 7th - 12-13 8th - 13-14 9th - 14-15 10th - 15-16 11th - 16-17 12th - 17-18 for the most part grades kind-5 are in elementary…
  • kindergarten - 5-6 (and some states allow 4) 1st - 6-7 2nd - 7-8 3rd - 8-9 4th - 9-10 5th - 10-11 6th - 11-12 7th - 12-13 8th - 13-14 9th - 14-15 10th - 15-16 11th - 16-17 12th - 17-18 for the most part grades kind-5 are in elementary…