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  • well P = W/t and W = F d so P = (F d)/t and d/t = v so P = F v and here F = m g where m = 2L*1kg/L = 2kg then P = m g v 78w = 2kg * 9.81N/kg * v(m/s) v = 3.9755 or about 4m/s
  • 799 km N / 2.34 h = 341.45 km/h N this is the resultant draw this vector (up on y axis) to scale then draw 441 at 19.6 deg right of y axis connect the ends of these two vectors make the resultant the diagonal of a parallelogram by drawing the pa…
  • although a pendulum is only approximately harmonic it is close enough for small swings in harmonic motion the restoring force and acceleration are proportional to the displacement so the speed is proportional to the distance traveled in a swin…
  • although a pendulum is only approximately harmonic it is close enough for small swings in harmonic motion the restoring force and acceleration are proportional to the displacement so the speed is proportional to the distance traveled in a swin…
  • you are looking for a ratio of new P to old P P1 / Po = (nRT/V)_1 / (nRT/V)_o n and R do not change so they cancel T1 = 313 K and To = 253 K P1/Po = (313/0.50) / (253/1.0) = 2.47/1 or about 2 1/2 times
  • you are looking for a ratio of new P to old P P1 / Po = (nRT/V)_1 / (nRT/V)_o n and R do not change so they cancel T1 = 313 K and To = 253 K P1/Po = (313/0.50) / (253/1.0) = 2.47/1 or about 2 1/2 times
  • you are looking for a ratio of new P to old P P1 / Po = (nRT/V)_1 / (nRT/V)_o n and R do not change so they cancel T1 = 313 K and To = 253 K P1/Po = (313/0.50) / (253/1.0) = 2.47/1 or about 2 1/2 times
  • although a pendulum is only approximately harmonic it is close enough for small swings in harmonic motion the restoring force and acceleration are proportional to the displacement so the speed is proportional to the distance traveled in a swin…
  • well P = W/t and W = F d so P = (F d)/t and d/t = v so P = F v and here F = m g where m = 2L*1kg/L = 2kg then P = m g v 78w = 2kg * 9.81N/kg * v(m/s) v = 3.9755 or about 4m/s