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  • swell if i was dating some one who was married i would be a little worried. normally a contract marriage is where folks decide up from what property will not be consider community property when they get married -- common in older couples who remarr…
  • swell if i was dating some one who was married i would be a little worried. normally a contract marriage is where folks decide up from what property will not be consider community property when they get married -- common in older couples who remarr…
  • god somewhere along the line i wish i had fell head over heels in love -oh well -- do not transfer the debt to your name either if you have the money now write him a check if not than give him what you can and let him apply it to his debt i…
  • god somewhere along the line i wish i had fell head over heels in love -oh well -- do not transfer the debt to your name either if you have the money now write him a check if not than give him what you can and let him apply it to his debt i…
  • god somewhere along the line i wish i had fell head over heels in love -oh well -- do not transfer the debt to your name either if you have the money now write him a check if not than give him what you can and let him apply it to his debt i…
  • swell if i was dating some one who was married i would be a little worried. normally a contract marriage is where folks decide up from what property will not be consider community property when they get married -- common in older couples who remarr…