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  • Yes. Do you want other people's eye crap on yours? lol. There is a LOT of bacteria on your eyelashes, believe it or not, and you don't need someone else's.
  • Yes. Do you want other people's eye crap on yours? lol. There is a LOT of bacteria on your eyelashes, believe it or not, and you don't need someone else's.
  • Cost as in the upkeep? Maybe so, I think the initial cost of getting one isn't so bad, but the needs they have may be the same as any other domesticated animal such as a small dog or cat.. If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way. But if you ca…
  • Cost as in the upkeep? Maybe so, I think the initial cost of getting one isn't so bad, but the needs they have may be the same as any other domesticated animal such as a small dog or cat.. If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way. But if you ca…
  • Cost as in the upkeep? Maybe so, I think the initial cost of getting one isn't so bad, but the needs they have may be the same as any other domesticated animal such as a small dog or cat.. If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way. But if you ca…
  • Cost as in the upkeep? Maybe so, I think the initial cost of getting one isn't so bad, but the needs they have may be the same as any other domesticated animal such as a small dog or cat.. If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way. But if you ca…
  • Yes. Do you want other people's eye crap on yours? lol. There is a LOT of bacteria on your eyelashes, believe it or not, and you don't need someone else's.
  • Yes. Do you want other people's eye crap on yours? lol. There is a LOT of bacteria on your eyelashes, believe it or not, and you don't need someone else's.