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  • Com certeza. Lê esse texto e veja como vale a pena andar com a Bíblia e meditar no que nela esta escrito: SALMO 1 1 BEM-AVENTURADO o homem que não anda segundo o conselho dos ímpios, nem se detém no caminho dos pecadores, nem se assenta n…
  • Com certeza. Lê esse texto e veja como vale a pena andar com a Bíblia e meditar no que nela esta escrito: SALMO 1 1 BEM-AVENTURADO o homem que não anda segundo o conselho dos ímpios, nem se detém no caminho dos pecadores, nem se assenta n…
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c June 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c June 2021
  • cute but lose the emo
    in emo dudes? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • cute but lose the emo
    in emo dudes? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021
  • you should definitly go tell someone, from the details youve given even if you are being over anxious at least then youll have some peace of mind. im sure if there a good friend they wont mind worrying for you x
    in scary problem? Comment by l-c May 2021