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  • A server is usually defined as: A computer dedicated to storing and delivering data files to client machines on request. Any machine can be a configured to be a server with the correct software. Get an old box out of the closet, load you favored …
  • It's not the Protocol - It's the router The Protocol just insures that the data is organized in the same way That includes how the packet header is organized The sender and intended recipient of each message is recorded in the header of each pack…
  • It's not the Protocol - It's the router The Protocol just insures that the data is organized in the same way That includes how the packet header is organized The sender and intended recipient of each message is recorded in the header of each pack…
  • He is a horrible president. I thought we had sunk as low as we could go when Jimmy Carter had the job. I am sorry to say that Obummer has surpassed "El Teetho's" inept administration in every way. As we watch this administrations fore…
  • He is a horrible president. I thought we had sunk as low as we could go when Jimmy Carter had the job. I am sorry to say that Obummer has surpassed "El Teetho's" inept administration in every way. As we watch this administrations fore…
  • A server is usually defined as: A computer dedicated to storing and delivering data files to client machines on request. Any machine can be a configured to be a server with the correct software. Get an old box out of the closet, load you favored …