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  • no air force jobs provide an associates degree some jobs will earn you credits that can be applied toward a CCAF associates degree, but you still must have other college courses taken from a university. most universities do NOT accept military…
  • You have to have a power crystal first. Last I heard, Arizona was the best place to find a power crystal. I found a Blue Power crystal in the Four Corners Area. And I enter Power Ranger Boot Camp next month.
  • You have to have a power crystal first. Last I heard, Arizona was the best place to find a power crystal. I found a Blue Power crystal in the Four Corners Area. And I enter Power Ranger Boot Camp next month.
  • What part of NAVY Seal, don't you understand ? IE: you have to be in the NAVY to try and become a Seal. If you were in the Marines, then you couldn't try and become a Seal. Since there are no Marine Seals.
  • If all you worked was two weeks, then no you will not collect unemployment. Most states require you to have a minimum number of hours worked in the last 5 quarters Quarter = 3 months
  • In the Marine Corps, you choose a Field to enlist in. Then while at Boot, the Marine Corps chooses the specific mos, in that Field, you will do. IE: you can choose the 0300 infantry Field But you cannot choose the specific infantry mos you …
  • Rangers are a UNIT, not a job. The chances of any soldier spending 20 years assigned to the Ranger Regiment, are slim and none. 1. Its a tough life, your away frequently training or deployed, injuries are common. 2. As you progress in rank, t…
  • benefits are the same in all service branch's. A dentist is a dentist, service branch is not gonna make a difference. Except as a naval dentist, you will probably spend time at sea on a ship.
  • no site has what is actually on the asvab test those sites just give a list of words, some may actually be on the test, most will not be the test is copy righted by the government no one can post actual test questions -- that is cheating
  • No, he was in UDT There is no real difference between UDT and seals. At the time, all seals became UDT first, then became seals after receiving additional training Sailors went from seal teams to UDT and back and forth, all the time. In …
  • yep, there are still missile fields
  • yep, there are still missile fields
  • No, he was in UDT There is no real difference between UDT and seals. At the time, all seals became UDT first, then became seals after receiving additional training Sailors went from seal teams to UDT and back and forth, all the time. In …
  • no site has what is actually on the asvab test those sites just give a list of words, some may actually be on the test, most will not be the test is copy righted by the government no one can post actual test questions -- that is cheating
  • benefits are the same in all service branch's. A dentist is a dentist, service branch is not gonna make a difference. Except as a naval dentist, you will probably spend time at sea on a ship.
  • Rangers are a UNIT, not a job. The chances of any soldier spending 20 years assigned to the Ranger Regiment, are slim and none. 1. Its a tough life, your away frequently training or deployed, injuries are common. 2. As you progress in rank, t…
  • Rangers are a UNIT, not a job. The chances of any soldier spending 20 years assigned to the Ranger Regiment, are slim and none. 1. Its a tough life, your away frequently training or deployed, injuries are common. 2. As you progress in rank, t…
  • In the Marine Corps, you choose a Field to enlist in. Then while at Boot, the Marine Corps chooses the specific mos, in that Field, you will do. IE: you can choose the 0300 infantry Field But you cannot choose the specific infantry mos you …
  • If all you worked was two weeks, then no you will not collect unemployment. Most states require you to have a minimum number of hours worked in the last 5 quarters Quarter = 3 months
  • What part of NAVY Seal, don't you understand ? IE: you have to be in the NAVY to try and become a Seal. If you were in the Marines, then you couldn't try and become a Seal. Since there are no Marine Seals.
  • You have to have a power crystal first. Last I heard, Arizona was the best place to find a power crystal. I found a Blue Power crystal in the Four Corners Area. And I enter Power Ranger Boot Camp next month.
  • no air force jobs provide an associates degree some jobs will earn you credits that can be applied toward a CCAF associates degree, but you still must have other college courses taken from a university. most universities do NOT accept military…