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  • You have hazel eyes. They will look green or brown depending on the color of your shirt, makeup, etc. You are lucky! You can play around with them and choose what color you want them to be every day. SOOOOOO lucky!
  • You have hazel eyes. They will look green or brown depending on the color of your shirt, makeup, etc. You are lucky! You can play around with them and choose what color you want them to be every day. SOOOOOO lucky!
  • El primer beso debe ser suavito, busca cercania en un momento tranquilo, tomala suavemente por el cuello y acercala a ti, lo ideal, ambos con la cabeza inclinada a lados opuestos. Trata de no babear mucho y debes estar con el aliento fresco, eso es …
  • El primer beso debe ser suavito, busca cercania en un momento tranquilo, tomala suavemente por el cuello y acercala a ti, lo ideal, ambos con la cabeza inclinada a lados opuestos. Trata de no babear mucho y debes estar con el aliento fresco, eso es …
  • You have hazel eyes. They will look green or brown depending on the color of your shirt, makeup, etc. You are lucky! You can play around with them and choose what color you want them to be every day. SOOOOOO lucky!