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  • No but if he was Chris Matthews would be clinging to him like a blood sucker. Something keeps Chris' leg in a constant tingle to the point where he is now frothing at the mouth.
  • okay so i got them on about 6.5 hours ago. Not so much in the begining, but now YESS but it only hurts minamally when u take something for the pain like Tylenol. =/ but i look like a geek haha. but im starting to get used to myself. oh well. its…
  • okay so i got them on about 6.5 hours ago. Not so much in the begining, but now YESS but it only hurts minamally when u take something for the pain like Tylenol. =/ but i look like a geek haha. but im starting to get used to myself. oh well. its…
  • okay so i got them on about 6.5 hours ago. Not so much in the begining, but now YESS but it only hurts minamally when u take something for the pain like Tylenol. =/ but i look like a geek haha. but im starting to get used to myself. oh well. its…
  • okay so i got them on about 6.5 hours ago. Not so much in the begining, but now YESS but it only hurts minamally when u take something for the pain like Tylenol. =/ but i look like a geek haha. but im starting to get used to myself. oh well. its…
  • No but if he was Chris Matthews would be clinging to him like a blood sucker. Something keeps Chris' leg in a constant tingle to the point where he is now frothing at the mouth.