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  • i'm ecclectic... and atheist/pantheist actually. i enjoy all the stories and see them as wonderful symbolic myths that contain much wisdom. i can't really pick a favorite, perhaps the story of Spider Woman? or the Mother.... so many good ones! bu…
  • i'm ecclectic... and atheist/pantheist actually. i enjoy all the stories and see them as wonderful symbolic myths that contain much wisdom. i can't really pick a favorite, perhaps the story of Spider Woman? or the Mother.... so many good ones! bu…
  • hm, well, if it truly was a mediocre kick as you say, perhaps you should have said that, instead of implying that girls can barely kick good enough to get onto 1st base, and only if they're exceptions. (not saying that's what you actually meant, but…
  • hm, well, if it truly was a mediocre kick as you say, perhaps you should have said that, instead of implying that girls can barely kick good enough to get onto 1st base, and only if they're exceptions. (not saying that's what you actually meant, but…
  • i'm ecclectic... and atheist/pantheist actually. i enjoy all the stories and see them as wonderful symbolic myths that contain much wisdom. i can't really pick a favorite, perhaps the story of Spider Woman? or the Mother.... so many good ones! bu…
  • i'm ecclectic... and atheist/pantheist actually. i enjoy all the stories and see them as wonderful symbolic myths that contain much wisdom. i can't really pick a favorite, perhaps the story of Spider Woman? or the Mother.... so many good ones! bu…