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  • You did not say what state or country or where you work. In a right to work state like VA, they can fire you without cause and you can leave without cause. You keep using the term contract, do you have a written job contract or a labor union? If…
  • if u r on the top it is just natural someone under u is going to try and push u off, its just a matter of time really
  • "all stored FORTRAN interger numbers must be in the range -32768 to +32767 (-2^15 to 2^16 -1) A stored Fortran (real) number can usually contain up to 7 digits and a decimal point........."
  • "all stored FORTRAN interger numbers must be in the range -32768 to +32767 (-2^15 to 2^16 -1) A stored Fortran (real) number can usually contain up to 7 digits and a decimal point........."
  • if u r on the top it is just natural someone under u is going to try and push u off, its just a matter of time really
  • You did not say what state or country or where you work. In a right to work state like VA, they can fire you without cause and you can leave without cause. You keep using the term contract, do you have a written job contract or a labor union? If…
  • You did not say what state or country or where you work. In a right to work state like VA, they can fire you without cause and you can leave without cause. You keep using the term contract, do you have a written job contract or a labor union? If…