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  • True. Satan appeared on the Earth by way of a virgin birth, lived a 30+ year life in a guise of perfection, and availed himself to the masses as the 'Son of God', and a 'savior' named Jesus. After Satan went through the pain of the crucifi…
  • Yes they do. The more recent satellites which have been launched in an effort to detect life in the Universe make Hubble's photos look like those of an out-of-focus & steamed mirror. We are currently aware of fourteen "very defini…
  • If the lump is external (outside), it could simply be a cyst which is treatable and easily removed. If the lump is internal (inside the scrotum) you should have it checked out IMMEDIATELY. Testicular cancer can and does occur from childhoo…
  • If the lump is external (outside), it could simply be a cyst which is treatable and easily removed. If the lump is internal (inside the scrotum) you should have it checked out IMMEDIATELY. Testicular cancer can and does occur from childhoo…
  • If the lump is external (outside), it could simply be a cyst which is treatable and easily removed. If the lump is internal (inside the scrotum) you should have it checked out IMMEDIATELY. Testicular cancer can and does occur from childhoo…
  • Yes they do. The more recent satellites which have been launched in an effort to detect life in the Universe make Hubble's photos look like those of an out-of-focus & steamed mirror. We are currently aware of fourteen "very defini…