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  • Vet number, Equine Dentist number and Farrier number on hand and programed in your phone. Fresh clean place for him, fresh water, and some quite time for him to adjust:) Congrats and enjoy.
  • Vet number, Equine Dentist number and Farrier number on hand and programed in your phone. Fresh clean place for him, fresh water, and some quite time for him to adjust:) Congrats and enjoy.
  • Yes being a back problem, I would be concerned and also you've got to be careful if the back isn't good and for some reason the wrong move send a sharp pain and your riding well odds are your gonna get thrown. I would stay clear on this one. Sorry…
  • Yes being a back problem, I would be concerned and also you've got to be careful if the back isn't good and for some reason the wrong move send a sharp pain and your riding well odds are your gonna get thrown. I would stay clear on this one. Sorry…
  • Vet number, Equine Dentist number and Farrier number on hand and programed in your phone. Fresh clean place for him, fresh water, and some quite time for him to adjust:) Congrats and enjoy.
  • Vet number, Equine Dentist number and Farrier number on hand and programed in your phone. Fresh clean place for him, fresh water, and some quite time for him to adjust:) Congrats and enjoy.