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  • Tobacco can cause you to have lung cancer because of the Tar build up in the lungs after years of abuse. Now you the surgeon general for over 40 years says it can kill if you use it. You must keep your body free of contamination that includes al…
  • Tobacco can cause you to have lung cancer because of the Tar build up in the lungs after years of abuse. Now you the surgeon general for over 40 years says it can kill if you use it. You must keep your body free of contamination that includes al…
  • Tobacco can cause you to have lung cancer because of the Tar build up in the lungs after years of abuse. Now you the surgeon general for over 40 years says it can kill if you use it. You must keep your body free of contamination that includes al…
  • Tobacco can cause you to have lung cancer because of the Tar build up in the lungs after years of abuse. Now you the surgeon general for over 40 years says it can kill if you use it. You must keep your body free of contamination that includes al…
  • Tobacco can cause you to have lung cancer because of the Tar build up in the lungs after years of abuse. Now you the surgeon general for over 40 years says it can kill if you use it. You must keep your body free of contamination that includes al…