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  • hi mike although the radeon HD6870 is a excellent card 1gb is slowly becoming outdated as a recommended amount of video memory(vram) .. so I can understand why you want to upgrade ... so with that in mind you should check out the &q…
  • hi caroline are you using avast anti-virus....i have had the same problem with avast which is detecting yahoo mail,answers and other yahoo apps as viruses....if you check the virus alerts it may read something like "i-frame".…
  • hi caroline are you using avast anti-virus....i have had the same problem with avast which is detecting yahoo mail,answers and other yahoo apps as viruses....if you check the virus alerts it may read something like "i-frame".…
  • the geforce 4mmx is quite a old card now,and is only capable of playing direct x 8 games,so you should be looking at buying either a ge-force 6 or 7 series card depending on your budget theres loads to choose from however heres my top three …
  • the geforce 4mmx is quite a old card now,and is only capable of playing direct x 8 games,so you should be looking at buying either a ge-force 6 or 7 series card depending on your budget theres loads to choose from however heres my top three …
  • updating your video driver or graphics driver is quite easy as there are only really 2 makes of graphic card made these days first check which make og graphic card you have by going start>control panel>display properties>settings&g…
  • yes,you should have got a adapter with your card and this will enable the dual monitor support,most ati cards come bundled with these as long as dvi leads aswell,but i cannot see why people use dual monitors unless you have software designed for it
  • hi mate not really,and as the other answers stated the radeon HD3200 is actually a onboard graphics controller.... however as onboard graphics go the HD3200 is actually pretty good... however it wont run games like fallout new ve…
  • hi zaheer system 32 is a intergral component on the windows operating system and the "system 32" error indicates some of all of this component has become corrupted .. this can be caused by software,or more likely malware th…
  • hi zaheer system 32 is a intergral component on the windows operating system and the "system 32" error indicates some of all of this component has become corrupted .. this can be caused by software,or more likely malware th…
  • hi zaheer system 32 is a intergral component on the windows operating system and the "system 32" error indicates some of all of this component has become corrupted .. this can be caused by software,or more likely malware th…
  • Hi gary my last but one motherboard was a asrock board and they are pretty reliable and should work with windows 8( and 8.1 ) ... however officially theres no support for windows 8 (…
  • hi mate no... most draw their power from the internal power supply ( or battery in other words ) .. and its around the same amount as what a a usb port draws... however on rare occasions there are some pcmcia cards that will require…
  • hi mate no... most draw their power from the internal power supply ( or battery in other words ) .. and its around the same amount as what a a usb port draws... however on rare occasions there are some pcmcia cards that will require…
  • hi mate first you need to visit and run the online memory utility,this will inform you on the correct memory for your p.c its more than likely going to be pc133(133mhz) sd-ram,although sd-ram also comes in …
  • hi mate first you need to visit and run the online memory utility,this will inform you on the correct memory for your p.c its more than likely going to be pc133(133mhz) sd-ram,although sd-ram also comes in …
  • hi mate no... most draw their power from the internal power supply ( or battery in other words ) .. and its around the same amount as what a a usb port draws... however on rare occasions there are some pcmcia cards that will require…
  • hi mate no... most draw their power from the internal power supply ( or battery in other words ) .. and its around the same amount as what a a usb port draws... however on rare occasions there are some pcmcia cards that will require…
  • Hi gary my last but one motherboard was a asrock board and they are pretty reliable and should work with windows 8( and 8.1 ) ... however officially theres no support for windows 8 (…
  • Hi gary my last but one motherboard was a asrock board and they are pretty reliable and should work with windows 8( and 8.1 ) ... however officially theres no support for windows 8 (…
  • hi zaheer system 32 is a intergral component on the windows operating system and the "system 32" error indicates some of all of this component has become corrupted .. this can be caused by software,or more likely malware th…
  • hi zaheer system 32 is a intergral component on the windows operating system and the "system 32" error indicates some of all of this component has become corrupted .. this can be caused by software,or more likely malware th…
  • hi mike although the radeon HD6870 is a excellent card 1gb is slowly becoming outdated as a recommended amount of video memory(vram) .. so I can understand why you want to upgrade ... so with that in mind you should check out the &q…