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  • Lets say that you have three 100 ohm resistors connected in series and that network is then connected across 120 volt source. The total circuit resistance is 100 ohms + 100 ohms + 100 ohms or 300 ohms. The total circuit current flowing in the seri…
  • Lets say that you have three 100 ohm resistors connected in series and that network is then connected across 120 volt source. The total circuit resistance is 100 ohms + 100 ohms + 100 ohms or 300 ohms. The total circuit current flowing in the seri…
  • Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds ever, was both a pacifist and held to certain aspects of national socialism. Most really, really intelligent people believe this way. That pretty much leaves the rest who see no value in life except to ma…
  • Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds ever, was both a pacifist and held to certain aspects of national socialism. Most really, really intelligent people believe this way. That pretty much leaves the rest who see no value in life except to ma…
  • Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds ever, was both a pacifist and held to certain aspects of national socialism. Most really, really intelligent people believe this way. That pretty much leaves the rest who see no value in life except to ma…