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  • what is a perfect pushup?
  • what is a perfect pushup?
  • The expander nut is probably rusted into the fork. Remove the bolt completely, then using the handlebars as leverage hold the front wheel and twist the stem out. Once the stem is out, take a long piece of pipe or a big long screwdriver, insert it…
  • You are quite correct that your bike isn't worth upgrading. Unfortunately it seems you have already started. If you are riding on smooth surfaces your only change (not an upgrade) would be to put narrower and smoother tyres on the bike... that's …
  • Shimano makes a large range of non-series stuff that usually fall between their named components. Pay particular attention to where exactly the non-series numbers fall and you'll have a good idea of whether they are better or worse than the named…
  • Toe in is when the front of the brake pad hits before the back of it. Just loosen the pad and move it so the front of the pad (the edge that points down and to the front of the bike on the back brake) will touch the rim first, then tighten. Make …
  • Toe in is when the front of the brake pad hits before the back of it. Just loosen the pad and move it so the front of the pad (the edge that points down and to the front of the bike on the back brake) will touch the rim first, then tighten. Make …
  • Shimano makes a large range of non-series stuff that usually fall between their named components. Pay particular attention to where exactly the non-series numbers fall and you'll have a good idea of whether they are better or worse than the named…
  • Shimano makes a large range of non-series stuff that usually fall between their named components. Pay particular attention to where exactly the non-series numbers fall and you'll have a good idea of whether they are better or worse than the named…
  • Shimano makes a large range of non-series stuff that usually fall between their named components. Pay particular attention to where exactly the non-series numbers fall and you'll have a good idea of whether they are better or worse than the named…
  • Shimano makes a large range of non-series stuff that usually fall between their named components. Pay particular attention to where exactly the non-series numbers fall and you'll have a good idea of whether they are better or worse than the named…
  • You are quite correct that your bike isn't worth upgrading. Unfortunately it seems you have already started. If you are riding on smooth surfaces your only change (not an upgrade) would be to put narrower and smoother tyres on the bike... that's …
  • You are quite correct that your bike isn't worth upgrading. Unfortunately it seems you have already started. If you are riding on smooth surfaces your only change (not an upgrade) would be to put narrower and smoother tyres on the bike... that's …
  • what is a perfect pushup?