teachers do you respect subs?

Teachers do you respect subs? I work as a sub right now, I dont get much respect for the kids in the class. They talk not listen and they don't care what I say. Everytime that happens I tell the teacher about the behavior problems. do you do something when you see a bad note from a sub?? or do you just called as a dumb person who could never become a teacher that why they are subs


  • Hi,

    I expect my kids to treat any substitute the same way that they treat me. I have been able, so far, to know in advance when I will need a substitute, so I tell my kids that they are going to have one and set out my expectations. On the board, I let them know that they are to do what they are told and if I receive a bad report, the offending student(s) will receive a 30 minute detention. Further, the offending student(s) will receive a zero for the day the substitute was in. Substitutes are undermined all the time because students don't expect them to know what is going on. My substitutes are given precise instructions on what to do, what excuses they might receive from certain students, a couple of students from each hour who are trustworthy, honest, and kind if they need anything, and are provided with multiple forms and things that they might need. I think it just depends on the teacher on what is done if bad behavior occurs in the classroom when there is a substitute. I don't let my students get away with it. I know that a lot of the other teachers at my school are the same way. There are many reasons why people substitute-just need a part-time job, like to teach but don't want to do it full-time, they are students looking to make some extra money, retiree's supplementing their income, and so on.

    Good luck to you and I hope this answers your question. B:)

  • Bo is correct in that it depends on the teacher and the administration. I was a full-time teacher for many years and now I substitute. I don't have much trouble because I have a lot of teaching experience and the kids know it. But there are others who get little respect because they don't know what they're doing. Teachers' manuals aren't easy to decipher if you don't have experience with them. In the old days, subs had to be qualified teachers. That may be a bit unreasonable now considering the pay, but there should be some sort of training. I once saw a woman in tears on the playground. It was her first day subbing, and the kids had run away from her. However, she didn't know which grade or the name of the teacher she was subbing for. It works both ways.

  • I think it really depends on the teacher. Some teachers seem to leave plans that are fool proof and don't trust their subs to do anything. Other teachers leave next to nothing. I have seen plans where a teacher specifically says to leave a message on who was behaving and who was not so they can be dealt with when they return. I would think most teachers would do something if students can't behave. If you are a sub, it's all about laying down the law and letting them know you mean buisness.

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