Do you prefer sexy looks over personality?

Cause that's all I've got goin for me.


  • No not at all.

    I've been with a guy I was not initially attracted to but his personality shun through that I became physically attracted to him.

    I've also been with someone purely based on his looks and his personality was so ugly that to me he literally became the most hidious person I had ever set eyes on and I couldn't bear to be around him.

  • No. I like looks and personality equally.Oddly enough, I tend to be attractive to guys who would be considered "ugly" by most people.

  • If you want a proper relationship then personality is important and so is attitude.If you just want to be used as a sex puppet then looks is all you need.

  • Bad personality ruins good looks

  • Nope. If I'm attracted to her at any way, she should have a good personality.

  • sexy works for me... Personality is over rated any way...

  • No. I have fell in love with guys you would call ugly, because i had a nice time with them.

  • I think personality is important.

  • Lol if all you want to do is bang them then i guess thats all you should care about

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