NCIS poll: Is Ziva coming back?

BQ: Kate or Ziva?


Uh oh.

"Without giving away too many secrets, the answer to why Ziva is dressed in a sexy, backless dress and singing in a smoky bar will be answered in the opening moments of the season 6 premiere, so fans won't have to wait long to find out the 'why' of it,” he said.

"But I can divulge one more piece of the puzzle: the 'where' of it. The bar is in Morocco. And did I mention that in the opening episode a member of Gibbs' team gets blown away?"

My guess is....DiNozzo? I wish it was the Director, though.


  • if course she will be coming back, just as soon as she grows up a little and stops acting like a baby.

    OK i cheated and checked the spoilers, heres a link for ya

    I just read your question again, and i think you are about a season off, all of that happened in season 6, but 7 is coming out in September.

  • maybe, sure why not. it just wont be for a long time i think. at the end of the last season she was imprisoned and being interrogated. i think she will either escape or mossad will have to rescue her. then probably alert ncis because they wanted to know everything then take the people that wanted info down cus ya why not? then once ziva recovers she may go back to ncis. thats what i think.

  • I loved Ziva on ncis she great we all miss her

  • i hope so, but i don't think she is, she was pretty pizzed at DiNozzo, and she left for Mozzad for good, I am almost positive

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