AC Compressor: Clutch or no clutch?
I will need to replace the AC compressor on my 93 Buick Regal (3.1) I looked up the part and they come WITH clutch and WITHOUT clutch. What is the difference and which one should I get?
I will need to replace the AC compressor on my 93 Buick Regal (3.1) I looked up the part and they come WITH clutch and WITHOUT clutch. What is the difference and which one should I get?
The clutch is the part on the front that includes the bearing and the on/off control (a magnetically operated friction clutch) for the compressor. A/C clutches are a high failure rate item, so unless the existing clutch has been changed recently you should definitely get one with the clutch.
If cost to replace with clutch was in my budget I would definitely do it. If not, you'll be installing a 16 year old clutch on a new compressor... not a good formula.