How to pass a drug test?

I smoked weed and in 8 days I have a urine test. What should I do to pass the test.


  • You should be fine if you have 8 days until testing. But the sure way to pass a drug test is to just "say no" when offered any drugs! The next time you probably won't have the 8 day warning. You can be tested any time in the future as an employee. Our plant has had about 8 people fired in the past couple of years, and any time an employee does something the least bit wrong, it's out to the hospital for a few hours of testing

    ( and you don't get paid while you're at the hospital! )

  • Weed stays in your system for a long time about 5 to 6 months so if it's for a job if it's new you can say you smoked a few months ago but have stopped you can try drinking heaps of fluid but that sometimes works, I have herd if you eat a lots of garlic 24 hours before the test they can't detected it but personally I don't believe so but never tried it otherwise you screwed lol

  • 1 day before you have it take suregel it is a preserving agent for canning jellies. mix it up in a gallon of water and drink it. Then drink another gallon throughout the day. It's nasty but it works. You can get it at walmart or any food store. Or you can take a que tip and cut the ends off of it and soak them in bleach and freeze them. take two ends with 2 cups of water each 3 hours before.

  • Stop smoking, drink lots of water, then on the day of the test take KNOX gelatin packs ( add two to 30 oz of water drink then take B vitamin and drink another 30 oz of water. Go pee once then take the test.

  • My suggestion is to stop smoking weed and you shouldn't have a problem and drink a lot of water.

  • Try to drink a lot like all day especially cranberry juice which I hated and try to puke and take warm baths

  • drink a TINY amount of bleach and im not crazy ive done it and it works but really its up to you

  • revision is key, practice is vital.

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