is emma rose a creepy name?

Do u think the name Emma Rose is too much like Emily Rose as in the Exorcism of Emily Rose..the film has really destroyed both you think so opinions please


  • It is not creepy and I doubt most people will have even seen or remember that movie (I haven't).

    Emma Rose doesn't flow that well, though. Emmeline Rose sounds better to me.

  • Of course not, it's a lovely name! Anyway I've seen that film and I don't automatically associate the name Emily Rose with it so the film hasn't destroyed those names at all. I don't think it's a big deal. I also know a girl called Emily-Rose and she hasn't had any problems. So just go with the name you love and forget about silly movie characters. Emma Rose is beautiful ♥

    Hope I helped ;) xx

  • Well, I haven't seen the film, but I read and heard about it.Even so, I still like Emily Rose because is a sweet name for a girl.

    I know that sometime characters from a movie, a book or a play can change our perception based on their names (because most of the name the authors give them suggestive names), but I don't think that this is the case now.

    Think about Emma Rose Roberts (daughter of actor Eric Roberts and niece of Julia Roberts) ^.~

  • There are rather TOO many to call, so i'm purely going to call the ten maximum generic names i comprehend that i wouldn't in any respect call my toddler. a million. Katelynn/Kaitlyn 2. Naveah 3. Justin 4. Peter 5. Richard/Dick 6. Virginia 7. Taylor 8. Christopher 9. Michelle 10. Erica purely some, and that i could desire to rather write all day. it is somewhat not complication-free to call a toddler, in case you have been a instructor. simply by fact no rely how not complication-free you are trying, you each and every so often can't help associating a popularity with a foul toddler in college, or the college bully, and so on. even associating names with exes, or b*tches from severe college. there have been some somewhat especially names "tainted" for a great selection human beings simply by fact of somebody we knew being rude or appearing gruesome.

  • No my love I think its a lovely name, the exorcism is just a film I wouldn't even consider something like that, if you like a name you like a

  • I LOVE that name! I don't think it's creepy at all, by the time your kid gets old enough for people to make fun o her, no one will be old enough to remember the movie! I say go for it! It's really pretty and flows nicely

  • Nope,i think its actually a very nice name and it doesn't remind me the exorcism

    but Edward Cullen still freaks me out

  • No, I think it's pretty.

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