Bro code problems! Bros only!?

So my close friend dated this girl I am currently talking to for 3 months before breaking up about 1.5 months ago. I reeeaallly like this girl and she reeeaallly likes me too. But, bro code. I know I shouldn't date this girl. And there's no way I would try and hide it from him. And even if I ask if it's all right and he says yes, bro code still applies. Idk what to do.


  • I see where you're coming from.

    Idk. I would say it depends on how close you and your friend are and if you think dating her would be worth risking your friendship with your friend (the guy).

    If I was younger I'd be like..."don't do it, stick to bro code", but as I've gotten older...I've been wronged by friends and I've heard from other guys that they've messed with their friends girlfriends, and I'm saying to myself....damn, if you messed with your friends girl friend then you're not a real friend. Then another thing I notice is that although a guy can have friends, there's more pressure on both guys and girls to hookup and build lives together, have children, or go half on rent....which I personally think makes guys more likely to pick women over men, unless the girl is just a booty call or a fling or whatever.

    I say all this to that...when I was younger, I was about bro code, but when I got older I've gotten the impression that bro code means less.

    But regardless of my experiences I think it's gonna come down to you. You're probably gonna have to chose and you're not going to be successful if you do both, it's either your friend or your girl. You can always pick the one who you've been with longer, but it's hard.

    Your in a tough spot.

    Good luck handling that.

  • Yo dude, bros must be 18 years or older (or attend college). The "Bro Code" is irrelevant because Middle School/Early High School problems like such don't fall within jurisdiction. Anyway #1 you already made a very not chill move, by putting down the work on your bud's girl a month and a half before they broke up. The spirit of real world bro life is doing what keeps the mood good between yourself and of course your bros, there's set no rules- those are totally not chill.

    If you were a college aged bro then you'd sit your man down while your pounding some brews at the pre game and tell him what's good. If he's your bro then he's gonna tell you to do your thing and be on with his life; however if he's not over it and you've made this intrusion, then you're in wrong so preserve the vibes and back off.

  • ive found that the bro code only seems to be adhered to when convenient

    "hey I don't want my friend to date my ex" so bro code time

    but "hey, I wanna hang with my girlfriend and my friend asked to hang out/help with something" so bro code goes out the window

    if hes ok with it, bro code does not apply

    look at it this way - if u guys are that close, u dating his ex probably wont affect your friendship long term

    but your relationship with her could be messed up long term

  • Bro code sounds homophobic.

  • Ask him and make sure he is completely ok with it if he's a true friend he won't make any harsh decisions but if you don't want to lose that friend listen to what he says

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