How do parrots do on boats?

I am looking to get a blue and gold macaw. Not to be cliche, but we have a boat and are planning on taking an extensive trip on it for the next 2-3 years. Do you or anyone you know have any experience with these types of birds on boats? Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it is just referring a vet who has good experience with birds. Thanks


  • Try looking at these:

    I found this on a website:

    I have parrots but wouldn’t take them near a boat. There are two ways to keep parrots. You can clip their flight feathers so they can't fly. They can then be taken outside without a cage. You can also leave their flight feathers intact, but you will have to keep them caged while outside or they will fly back to S. America.Danger. An uncaged parrot with clipped wings can easily fall overboard and end up in the sea. Their clawed feet are absolutely useless on fiberglass decks. Parrots are not sea gulls, they don't float. If they fall their wings go under water. Their natural instinct is lift their wings and try to fly out, but this only drives them under. They will drown in seconds before you can do any thing to rescue them. Don't allow a parrot with clipped wings to roam free on your boat. Keep them caged while on board. If you do take a caged parrot on board make sure that the cage is tied down so they don't get injured if the cage falls and hits the sole.Yes, you should not leave parrots alone. Owning a parrot requires a major commitment that should not be taken lightly. They are not like cats that are perfectly happy to be left alone over a weekend. Like primates they are very intelligent social animals. They must have interaction with others; If not they will go crazy and become unmanageable. I solve the interaction problem while I am away by having two parrots caged together in a very large cage that has an enriched environment with lots of "toys". While I am away, they keep each other company. They have developed a great friendship with each other over the 13 years that they have been together. BTW: I don't clip my parrot’s wings. When I am home they come out of their cage so they can fly and behave like the free air born creatures they are. They take great joy in their ability to fly. A parrot with clipped wings is like dock bound sailor never allowed to go to sea.Bill EblingYesterday's Dream1985 H31 Hull #31395Crab Alley Bay, Kent Island, MD

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  • Pirates!!!!

    What if they fly away in da middle of da ocean....

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