how do you become a US citizen?

i know someone who has live here for 11 years and im pretty sure is going to graduate high school but isnt a citizen or resident


  • When a person from a foreign country wants to become a US citizen, this process is called naturalization. The person has to do three things:

    Fill out an application form. The form asks questions about the person’s background. The person also has a set of fingerprints taken.

    Take a citizenship test. The exam tests the person’s knowledge of U.S. government and history.

    Appear before a judge in court. The judge listens to the person’s reasons for wanting to become a U.S. citizen, and then decides if the person will be allowed to become a citizen.

  • You have internet with you. Best course is to read it on the internet.This will give you all the information which you need.

    However my suggestion to you is that you remain in your own country and not become a second class citizen.What love and respects you get in your own country that you will not get in a foreign country. Love the soil and the people where you are born.Work for the developement of your own country.May god bless you and your country.

  • I am sure that her parent are taken care of the papers for her

    and while you are making assumption

    the school will not accept her without a student visa that mean she is legal

  • That person should marry a U.S citizen and born a child here in U.S. Trust me that works.

  • You have to be a legal resident first.

  • wht's wrong with your own country tht u want t leave it an become a u.s citizen

  • marry an America

    or serve in the military

  • At least they will be educated when they get shipped south.

  • go see an attorney and let hem know their situation...go see a few attorneys not just one


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