Clearblue Digital OPK?
hey girls so i live in Australia and for 5 of them they cost $75 heaps expensive
so i usually use the other ones but my surge is usually strong so i cant determine if i have a surge or not (and i dont have PCOS)
my question how accurate are the clearblue ones. are they worth it and can anyone tell me their experiences with them?
My LH levels are usually low so some of the less sensitive test (like answers) would show I wasn't ovulating, so i decided to try two different test at the same time. on the answers test i got nothing and on the clearblue I got positives. For me they were wonderful. but there are other test that are just as sensitive or more sensitive than the clear blue so if they were not as expensive i would start with those. On it has a list or different test and there sensitivities.
I used it for the first time this month. I started on my 10 day of my cycle. Every day until 13 day. At 11:00 am after waking up around 7:30 peed then from then on I only drank a little. I held on to my bladder close to 4 hours as I could but I did the OPK at 11:00am. Try not to drink much fluids because it dilutes your LH surge reading.
I had my first IUI on Thursday after having a smiley face reading(positve) on on the opk test on Wednesday. So much easier to decipher then lines. It is either a circle for negative or a circle with a smile. You can not get a false smiley face reading. However you can with the other ones with the lines.
For me I am doing TWW.
Good luck and yes it is worth it. I paid 32.00 here in the US for one kit but it has 7tests! I used 4 tests only.