Is a girl who dresses vintage a huge turnoff?

I always get hit on by 20+ year-old guys, but guys my own age (I'm 16) never seem interested in the slightest. I dress pretty vintage in polka-dot pin-up girl style dresses with lace and ribbons and frills and heels. Is that really unattractive to guys my age? :/


  • because you're dressing maturaly, :)

    guys your age dont see that lol.

    they are too immature for you.

    date an older guy, i promise you wont regret it.

    and post pictures up?

    i wanna see your cute outfits :)

  • For most 16 year old guys it may be, i think most 16 year old guys are going to be to immature to appreciate how good being classy actually is. if your dressing like that i would take pride in it and if a guy isn't going to go with you because of your clothing that you probably wouldn't want to be with him anyway.

    if there was someone you know who you really feel like you can relate and connect to and just want to be able to dress in a way you feel more confident you could try sometime if you want maybe just dressing in some nice jeans, a classy shirt or maybe in the summer a nice classy sundress. those might appeal to that age group while still being relatively classy and not having to lower yourself to mini skirts and daisy dukes.

    p.s. im 20 so i guess you could say my tastes are more mature than a 16 year old. i would go un changed if i were you

  • Guys your age probably dont know what to make of you since majority of 16 year olds dont dress that way.

  • You gotta remember, we live in a competitive world. There are other girls your age, also trying to attract boys. It is not that your way of dressing is a turnoff, (remember, these are hormone driven teenagers), but other girls are dressing in borderline slutty, and with a 16 year old boy, that makes them crazy.

  • With guys your age when they see you in really frilly girly things they tend to think..preppy rich, snobby. or at least i do when i see someone dresses like that at school. vintage in fine but you might want to cut back on the frills and stuff like that

  • A flip off for me for a man is an excessive amount of ********* and being a exhibit-off and appearing like a manly guy. A flip off for me for a woman is an excessive amount of drama and any individual who is just too shy round me... Oh, and a foul perspective.

  • A bitty...

    Like your dressing up like your 18 onwards blah blah~xD

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