Track or Tennis?

I like both but I want to accomplish something in one of the two sports. PLZ HELP ME!


  • Tennis for sure. You're running like 3 miles a match anyway and you'll be developing way more skills. If you become a good tennis player the talent transfers over to many other talents that need hand eye coordination. The other thing is that you can play tennis for your entire life and track you can only do on a High School team or college. You can do distance runs when you get older but any hack in the world can enter those. Tennis for sure.

  • It really depends on what you really like to do, and what you reasonably can excel at. With track there are more options for the specific type of competition, and tennis is basically an individual effort game (besides team and pair playing). If you really want to accomplish something, then you need to have a challenging but realistic goal, so it really is important which sport offers you the best chance of achieving that goal.

  • Tennis is more fun IMHO. But, I'm a tennis person, and therefore not really objective. Both sports require hard work at some point if you want to be a good college player/athlete.

  • try tennis - it's more interesting and exciting to me - how bout you?

  • I would personally continue with Tracks, 100m specifically and maybe long jump. Continuing with track can get you a lot of exposure especially if you make it in the big time, such as olympics. Tennis is good and all but playing in a grand slam in front of millions? Why do that when you can preform in front of billions of people.

  • You will make millions more money at tennis if you are good enough. practice and coaching needed for both sports.

  • Try track.

  • whatever you are most passionate about and best at i guess

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