Do baptists drink alcohol?

What are the main differences between Baptists and other Christian sects?


okay, sorry, other Christian denominations. I'm really sleepy right're lucky I haven't misspelled


  • Jesus says drinking is OK in some cases. But we are to avoid drinking too much and getting drunk and becoming a drunkard. When we are drunk we lose self control and can be raped (if female) or end up having sex and having a kid as either male or female.

    An occasional drink will not hurt, but avoiding it is good too. But do not drink too much and lose control this is the warning that Jesus gives about drinking. Drunks lose control and do things they normally would not do. and doing these things you lose your witness of Jesus in us.

    Jesus saves us all, after that each church teaches something different. But we all believe Jesus died for our sins.

    And this is a how the devil divided the church. Not by saying Jesus does not save us, but by the different churches teaching other things. If we all concentrated on Jesus and our salvation which we all have. We could be one church again, but the devil has it separated and we even fight ourselves. How stupid is that? It is all about Jesus. And if we had one church this would be the only thing taught.

    bless you.

  • A small volume of alcohol or to drink for the period of instances of party is mentioned interior the Bible, yet because of fact that there is an inclination to drink till you're decrease than the impact of alcohol, maximum religious human beings evade alcohol altogether particularly than could desire to attend to having it probable take over their lives.

  • yea Yashua/Jesus and his apostles did too. as did Noah who discovered alcohal from the vine and became so drunk his youngest som Ham seen him naked and became accursed. there is a difference between firmented and unfirmented. i have read the original Hebrew and Aramaic.

  • Some do, but a lot of Southern Baptists do not, or at least they are taught not to in their churches.

  • No "TRUE" Christun dranks alkyhaul!!

  • They are not a sect.

  • Baptists don't recognize each other in liquor stores.

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