do you ever feel trapped ........?

in your relationship


  • YES!!! But not only am I trapped in the marriage, I seem to be stuck in the middle of 3 of my friends catfights. Its to the point that I am really considering walking out, esp since I am starting to feel my home is no longer my home and I am just in the way in what is supposed to be my own home. Being newly wed and haveing taken in 3 friends who didnt have places to stay is taking its toll on me, considering it was my husbands idea and he doesnt want to hear any of my complaints or concerns.

  • There are times where the circumstances surrounding your life may have this effect on people in a monogamous situation. But life, for the most part is embedded with struggle and obstacles. The person you choose to be with should not make you miserable and vice verse. If this is a constant thing for you and your partner i suggest you wake up and smell the coffee. This is not what relationship is about. We all have our issues, but if the negative out ways the positive, then it's time to move on. We only live once.

  • If you feel trapped you need to do something to make the relationship better.

  • trapped???

    no, because a door can easily be unlocked and walked through.

    you should not feel obligated to stay somewhere that you don't want. last i checked slavery was over.

    and don't stay out of fear or because you don't want to hurt that person, they need to be more mature and handle that the relationship is over.

  • Yes, he keeps on locking me in the cupboard under the stairs!

  • There at the mo Bex .....

    feeling suffocated

  • hang on till i get theses hand cuffs off.ours is not the reason why ours is to cry and cry.

  • No, i feel like i am being watched.

  • sometimes, but then I just chuck him out! lol

  • definitely

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