Is it dog abuse? or am I paranoid?

My boyfriends best friend has had a doberman pincher puppy for about 5 months now. Everytime I see the puppy, he is just tied to the fence and there is always poop all around him and on his fur so I know he never gets taken for walks. His owner feeds him and sometimes plays with him, but that's it. The puppy doesn't get any disclipline or exercise, but at least he has shelter and food? Is this a form of abuse? should I talk to him about taking care of the dog better or should I leave it alone?


  • Yes, this is a form of abuse called neglect, and in some areas is punishable by law. Neglect is a case where one or more necessary elements in the dog's life are missing - in this case, proper shelter, hygeine, exercise, and socialization are not present. This man should in no way be owning a dog, it's not fair to the poor thing. Talk to him about it, and if he does nothing call animal control or your local SPCA or animal shelter. This dog's done nothing wrong to deserve this kind of treatment. I hope you're able to help him, you may even save his life (good chance he's got a ton of illnesses or parasites based on how he lives)

  • That sounds like a very grim life for a young dog.

    I would feign interest in the dogs training and ask how it is progressing etc and ask some questions about what he going to do with the dog in the future.

    After all you are not there all the time and maybe things are not as bad as they seem.

    If you suspect the dog is being badly neglected then get in touch anonymously with your local animal welfare and explain the situation to them. Don`t even tell your b/f you are doing this as it could have repercussions, seeing as the dogs owner is his best friend!

  • Well, it's better for the dog to be there then to be in a small cage with poop everywhere even with another dog in there surrounded by other dogs in cages. if you know what i mean.. I would suggest telling that friend to either show the dog some love or let someone else love the dog.

  • Put yourself in that dogs shoes. A puppy needs to go on walks and introduced to the world to develop a good mind and sound temperment. Locked up and not played with, why did he get the dog? Dogs need a pack. They need to be in the house being taught. That poor dog is going to suffer on a chain tied to a dog house living in filth and stink. I had a Dobe. Gave him baths and walked him through my neighborhood. He knew everyone and wasn't afraid of anyone. His place was in the house protecting me. NOT TIED IN THE YARD LIVING IN HIS OWN DOG POOP!

  • Yes it is abuse but most cities do not do anything about dogs being tied up if the dogs are fed, have water, and have shelter. It makes me sick when I see dogs chained up. Why have a dog if the dog is going to be chained up. I would take the dog when they are not at home and take the dog to the shelter. No life for a dog..irks me.

  • you made a comment about how the owner plays with the dog... but then you said it doesn't get exercise... im sure ita at least getting a small amount of exercise...

    you also made a comment about feces being on the dog, its not enforced by law in my area that you groom the dog, but im not sure where you live...

    if its being given shelter and food, it might not be the happiest dog alive, but its going to be okay...

  • Many states have tethering laws and laws against leaving a dog in filth. Call animal control and report him.

  • That is definitely abuse. I would talk to your boyfriend about it and then if he doesnt do anything try to talk to a local shelter and see if they have any suggestions for you. It is so sickening that people can treat animals like that.

  • That can get him a $100-$300 fine so yes oh and he can lose the dog to ASPCA

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