what will comrade obama do next?

Any clue to his next big legislation? Or just relax the next 2 years?


  • I know what he wouldn't do. Doesnt want to attend Olympics in Russia because his black *** too skinny the cold weather will give him a cold. Plus Putin probably broke his balls about Syria. But in the end he has enough time to destroy the usa just what his dad wanted. Well all look back after hes finished and wonder how we became so blind and careless.

  • Just study from his hero's-

    "The permanent revolution, in the sense which Marx attached to this concept, means a revolution which makes no compromise with any single form of class rule, which does not stop at the democratic stage, which goes over to socialist measures and to war against reaction from without; that is, a revolution whose every successive stage is rooted in the preceding one and which can end only in complete liquidation." — Leon Trotsky

  • Oh yes, his next trick is the "illegals" controversy, or maybe

    more "Made in America" items made illegal like the 60 watt


  • I'm sure he'll turn us all into Communists.

    Oh, wait! First he has to destroy Western Civilization. Hmmmm… how to do that?

    I know! Make the deadbeats who foist their medical bills off on those of us with health insurance BUY THEIR OWN INSURANCE!


  • He will help Monica's boyfriend's wife towards the presidency.

  • he will enforce gun control then declare himself Emperor for life.

  • ROFLMAO!!!!

    ah, the vast ignorance of americans is always good for a laugh. "comrade" indeed. its painfully clear no american has ever had any sort of normal education, nor do any of these troglodytes know what communism is. such a backwards and barbaric little country

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