Girls please help .. strange problem? ( pic included )?

first of all : I am not trolling .. so please i want real answers

I am 19 years old boy .. I have a strange problem .. I am living in an arabic commuinty parents have been divorced since my childhood ... I have short stature and feminine character as my mother raised me in a women only family ...the problemhas begun since two weeks.. my mother want my to wear hijab ( a traditional clothes for arabic girls ) i can't refuse ..

.. as for the arabian community .. the official puberty age is 21 years ...

she dreesed me as u see

should i obey her till i reach 21 .. and why she is making me look like that ?

or may be she is afraid of any Harassment ??

please help me

an Am I looking like a real girl ??


  • Aren't you a boy? Honestlly, I saw your picture and you look like a girl but that might be because you're wearing girls clothes and stuff and you are with that thing in your head (i'm sorry, i'm not arabic, i don't kno the name of that). If you're a boy why is your mother dressing you like a woman? Do you like that or are you just doing what your mother wants? Do you take hormone pills? because it's strange for a 19 yo boy to have feminine character. normally, at your age you would have beard and stuff . .

  • is that photo really you? Are you "Hana"? It seems to be someone's personal blog and has extensive reviews of chic fashion. If this is your blog, then you probably wouldn't be worrying about being told by your mother to crossdress. By the way, should I remind you that crossdressing in some or most arabic countries is considered "condemnable"? If you're this Hana person in the photo, I doubt you'd really have much fear that you don't look "chic" enough. You really sound like a troll...

  • You do seem like a troll.

    You should ask your mother why she is doing that. By 19 you are old enough to get a job and move out, so you should do that, if your mother is forcing you to wear clothes that you don't want.

    incidentally, there are many men who pay lots of money to have a woman force them to dress up as a woman. they are called sissy's. You seem like you may fit into this category.

  • I don't know why she is doing that, maybe she thinks that you enjoy dressing as a girl

    the last question is yes you look like a real girl an attractive one

  • Trolllllllllllllll

  • I don't get it. If you aren't a transgender, that is you feel like you are a woman, you shouldn't let your mother do that. She seems to have psychological issues if she wants to do that to you.

  • Why don't you ask her why?

    Surely you have strict laws on obeying your parents but that doesn't mean you can't talk with her.

    This seems like trolling...

  • I am so confused

    But if you're a girl and thats you in the picture, you're really pretty.

  • Your mom wants you to be a cross dresser?...

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