popcorn/ brand names!!!!!!!?

help me find a brand name.

the popcorn must be healthy and a snack.

but i need a brand name for healthy popcorn!


  • all pop corn that comes in a bag(not microwave) is the same, no matter what brand. Pop corn is pop corn. there are white or yellow varieties but they all pop into white fluffs.

    They all have the same amount of calories and fiber. The unhealthy part of popcorn is the butter and cheese and salt and caramel that people put on it.

    Microwave pop corn is also the same stuff, just more junk on it, or less junk on it. Read the labels for calories and fat grams, etc.

    Some brand names or:

    Orville reddenbacker

    Act II

    healthy choice

    and various store brands.

  • We`ve used orville redenbacher for 25 years

  • "Viewer's Choice Popcorn" "Original Recipe Movie Popcorn" "Pop 'n Watch" "Film Buddy" "Theatre Corn" "Movie-Pop Popcorn"

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